Filters can be added to a migration to allow you to transfer files according to a specific criteria.
It is possible to filter your content by file size, date created and date modified (filter by file type will be added soon).
You may also add more than one type of filter if you wish to, in this case there will be an AND relation between the filters.
This document will help you better understand how to use the Filters feature in Cloudsfer.

The filters option requires purchasing one of our Business plans. More information can be found in our Pricing page.
In order to purchase a business plan, register to Cloudsfer and login to your account, go to Pricing >> Business plans.


  1. During the New Migration Plan wizard, after choosing your source and target systems, the Optional Settings menu will show. In this step you can choose to apply filters to your migration.


    • Max File Size: Will only migrate files whose size is less than the entered amount, not including the entered amount.
    For example, entering "1,000MB" will migrate files whose size is less than 1,000MB, but not files whose size is exactly 1,000MB or more.

    • Minimum File Size: 
    Will only migrate files whose size is more than the entered amount, not including the entered amount.
    For example, entering "1,000MB" will migrate files whose size is more than 1,000MB, but not files whose size is exactly 1,000MB or less.

    • Migrate files created after: Will only migrate files who were created after the chosen date, not including the date entered.
    For example, entering "01/31/2015" will migrate files who were created after 01/31/2015, but not files who were created on 01/31/2015 or before.

    Migrate files created before: Will only migrate files who were created before the chosen date, not including the date entered.
    For example, entering "01/31/2015" will migrate files who were created before 01/31/2015, but not files who were created on 01/31/2015 or after.

    Migrate files modified afterWill only migrate files who were modified after the chosen date, not including the date entered.
    For example, entering "01/31/2015" will migrate files who were modified after 01/31/2015, but not files who were modified on 01/31/2015 or before.

    Migrate files modified beforeWill only migrate files who were modified before the chosen date, not including the date entered.
    For example, entering "01/31/2015" will migrate files who were modified before 01/31/2015, but not files who were modified on 01/31/2015 or after.

  2. After filling all of your chosen filters, click on Save & Continue to proceed to the next step.


    Please note:
    • Filters can also be added/edited if a migration was Saved for later.
    • Filters apply only for files, not for folders.
    • Using filters will not behave as delta/incremental migration. It will create the entire hierarchy with only files that match the filters.
    • Each source system provides different filter 
    capabilities.for example filters provided when migrating from Box to Box Enterprise 


    If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]