Even though Cloudsfer does not restrict any sort of file types or size, some cloud storage services do.
Below is a list of known limitations and restrictions:

ServiceFolder LimitationFile Limitation

Google Photos
  • No Animation / Collage supported.

  • Album name cant be empty
  • In case there is conflict in album name, a time stamp with the creation date will be added. 
  • Uploading files up to 10GB
  • Uploading up to 20,000 files for album.
  • Photos larger than 75 MB or 100MP are not supported
  • Items smaller than 256 x 256 are not supported
  • Version are not supported

  • Supported formats:
    Photos: .jpg, .png, .webp
    Video: .mpg, .mod, .mmv, .tod, .wmv, .asf, .avi, .divx, .mov, .m4v, .3gp, .3g2, .mp4, .m2t, .m2ts, .mts, .mkv.
  • In case of an items shown twice in the source system, the items will be merged and shown once in the target google photo account. As for used GB, the amount will be deducted from cloudsfer account for the amount of times the item appeared in the source system. 

 Amazon S3
  • Folder name cannot be “.” Or “..”
  • Folder name cannot contain the invalid character /
  • Folder name cannot end with the invalid character “.”
  • Folder name cannot be empty
  • File name cannot be “.” “..” or /
  • File name cannot contain the invalid character /
  • File name cannot end with the invalid character “.”
  • File name cannot be empty

Azure Blob Storage
  • Cannot create empty folders - Empty Folders will receive a file named “$”
  • Folders name should consist only of lower case letters
  • Folders name should consist only of lower case letters
  • Folder name cannot be empty – untitled
  • Folder name cannot contain the invalid characters / and \
  • Folder cannot end with the invalid character “.”
  • File cannot end with the invalid character “.” 
  • File name cannot contain the invalid characters / and \
  • File name cannot be empty – untitled

  • Folder name cannot contain the invalid characters / and \
  • Invalid folder name:  “.” “..”
  • Folder name cannot end with space
  • Folder name cannot be empty
  • Folder name is limited to 255 characters
  • File name cannot contain the invalid characters / \ and "
  • File cannot be named as “.” “..”  \  " and  -
  • File name cannot be empty
  • File name is limited to 250 characters

  • Folder name cannot contain the invalid characters / and \
  • Invalid folder name:  “.” “..”
  • Folder name cannot be empty
  • Folder name is limited to 255 characters
  • File name cannot contain the invalid characters / and \
  • File name cannot start with “~$”
  • TMP file cannot start with the invalid character ~  (Example: ~file.tmp)
  • Ignored files:
  • File name cannot be empty
  • File name is limited to 255 characters

  • Cannot upload videos over 1 GB
  • Cannot upload photos over 200 MB

  • Folder cannot contain the invalid characters * / \  " < >? |  :  ;
  • Folder name cannot start with the invalid character “.”
  • Folder name cannot end with the invalid character “.”
  • Folder name cannot be empty
  • File cannot contain the invalid characters * / \ " < > ? |
  • File name cannot start\end with the invalid character “.”
  • File name cannot be empty

  • Folder name cannot be empty
  • Folder name cannot contain the invalid characters /and \
  • File name cannot be empty
  • File name cannot contain the invalid characters / and \

  • Cannot contain the following characters ? / \ < > | " : *
  • Folder name cannot start with space or the invalid character “.”
  • Folder name not allowed: "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", "COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9", "LPT1", "LPT2", "LPT3", "LPT4", "LPT5", "LPT6", "LPT7", "LPT8", "LPT9", "PRN", "AUX", "NUL", "CON"
  • Folder name is limited to 400 characters
  • Folder name cannot be empty - untitled
  • Cannot upload files with no size (zero files)
  • File name cannot start with space
  • Files cannot have the following extensions:
    ".ashx", ".asmx", ".asp", ".aspq", ".axd", ".cshtm", ".chtml", ".json", ".rem", ".shtm", ".shtml", ".soap", ".stm", ".svc", ".vbhtm", ".vbhtml", ".xamlx"

OneDrive For Business
  • Folder name cannot end with space and the invalid character “.”
  • Folder names cannot end with:
    ".files", "_files", "_Dateien", "_fichiers", "_bestanden", "_file", "_archivos", "_filer", "_tiedostot", "_pliki", "_soubory", "_elemei", "_ficheiros", "_arquivos", "_dosyalar", "_datoteke", "_fitxers", "_failid", "_fails", "_bylos", "_fajlovi", "_fitxategiak"
  • Folder name cannot contain the invalid characters / \ : * ? " < > | # %
  • Folder name is limited to 400 characters
  • Folder name cannot start with space
  • Folder name cannot be empty - untitled

  • Files cannot have the following extensions:
    ".ascx", ".soap", ".asmx", ".svc", ".aspx", ".xamlx", ".htc", ".files", ".jar", ".one", ".master", ".onepkg", ".swf", ".onetoc", ".xap", ".onetoc2", ".laccdb", ".xsf", ".tmp", ".ashx", ".tpm", ".json"
  • File name cannot start with space
  • File name cannot end with the invalid character “.”
  • File name cannot contain the following invalid characters / \ : * ? " > < | # %
  • File names not allowed:
    "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", "COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9", "LPT1", "LPT2", "LPT3", "LPT4", "LPT5", "LPT6", "LPT7", "LPT8", "LPT9", "PRN", "AUX", "NUL", "CON", "forms", "~", "_vti_"
  • File name cannot contain “..”
  • File name is limited to 400 characters
  • File name cannot be empty

  • Album cannot contain over 2000 photos
  • Album name cannot be empty
  • Cannot upload files over 100 MB
  • File name cannot be empty
  • File name cannot conatin the following invalid characters < > | " 
  • Supported formats:
    • Image:
    .jpeg, .jpg, .tif, .tiff, .bmp, .gif, .psd, .png, .tga, .DNG, .CRW, .CR2, .RAW, .RAF, .3FR, .DCR, .KDC, .MRW, .NEF, .NRW, .ORF, .RW2, .PEF, .X3F, .ARW, .SRF, .SR2
    • Video:
    .mpg, .mpeg, .mod, .mmv, .tod, .wmv, .asf, .avi, .divx, .mov, .m4v, .3gp, .3g2, .mp4, .m2t, .m2ts, .mts, .mkv
    • Audio:
    .wma, .mp3

SharePoint Online
  • Folder name cannot end with space and the invalid character “.”
  • Folder cannot end with: ".files", "_files", "_Dateien", "_fichiers", "_bestanden", "_file", "_archivos", "_filer", "_tiedostot", "_pliki", "_soubory", "_elemei", "_ficheiros", "_arquivos", "_dosyalar", "_datoteke", "_fitxers", "_failid", "_fails", "_bylos", "_fajlovi", "_fitxategiak"
  • Folder name cannot contain the invalid characters / \ : * ? " < > | # %
  • Folder name is limited to 400 characters
  • Folder name cannot start with space
  • Folder name cannot be empty - untitled
  • Cannot upload files over 10 GB
  • Files cannot have the following extensions:
    ".ascx", ".soap", ".asmx", ".svc", ".aspx", ".xamlx", ".htc", ".files", ".jar", ".one", ".master", ".onepkg", ".swf", ".onetoc", ".xap", ".onetoc2", ".laccdb", ".xsf", ".tmp", ".ashx", ".tpm", ".json"
  • File name cannot start with space
  • File name cannot end with the invalid character “.”
  • File name cannot contain the following invalid characters / \ : * ? " > < | # %
  • File names not allowed:
    "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", "COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9", "LPT1", "LPT2", "LPT3", "LPT4", "LPT5", "LPT6", "LPT7", "LPT8", "LPT9", "PRN", "AUX", "NUL", "CON", "forms", "~", "_vti_"
  • File name cannot contain “..”
  • File name is limited to 400 characters
  • File name cannot be empty

  • Folder cannot contain the following characters ? / \ < > | " : * ;
  • Folder name cannot start or end with the invalid character “.”
  • Folder name is limited to 255 characters
  • Folder name cannot be empty - untitled
  • File cannot contain the following characters ? / \ < > | " * 
  • File name cannot start or end with the invalid character “.”
  • File name is limited to 255 characters
  • File name cannot be empty - untitled


If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]