This document will help you transfer your content from Dropbox to OneDrive for Business using Cloudsfer:
- When you sign in to your Cloudsfer account, at the main page press the “Strat a new Bulk Migration” Button to start the Bulk migration wizard.
- Select Dropbox as a source system and SharePoint Online as your target system (Choosing SharePoint online will migrate the data to your OneDrive for Business, this will allow you to migrate permissions and metadata.
Please note: you will need admin credentials both on you Dropbox and OneDrive for Business domains).
- At the account mapping step, you will need to provide an excel sheet containing the users you wish to migrate. Upload that spreadsheet to our wizard.
- Insert your administrator accounts credentials at your Dropbox and OneDrive for Business Domains (Admin on Dropbox and Global Administrator on OneDrive for Business) and press continue (accounts must be created prior to migration)
- At the optional settings stage you can choose to migrate your permissions from Dropbox to your OneDrive for Business. For example a user which has a “can view” on Dropbox can be mapped to all permission level that exist on your target system. After configuring your permissions press the save & Continue to save the changes.
- There are also additional options to apply filters, and maintain file version history during the migration.
- The final stage is to confirm and create the Bulk migration
- After creating the Bulk migration, simply start the Bulk migration to transfer your data from Dropbox to OneDrive for Business. The progress can be viewed at the activity section on your left side panel.
If you have more questions, please contact us at