Cloudsfer integration for File System is designed to quickly migrate data from and/or to File System - In a few quick steps. 

Cloudsfer's agent access to the mapped drives and will be available even when the user has logged off or after the computer was restarted.

The Cloudsfer agent is running as a service.

System Requirements:

  • Microsoft .NET framework 4.8.
  • The user installing the agent must be part of the local administrators group.
  • Window 7 and Windows server 2008 and above.

To integrate with File System - Please choose "File System" as your source from the list as shown below: 
click Connect.  


Cloudsfer will display a list of Cloudsfer On Premises Agent. Click “Open”.



You must install Cloudsfer On Premises Agent to migrate data from Local File System for the first time. 


Click “Add New Agent” to install Cloudsfer On Premises Agent.  


Click (Copy Token) button and Click “Download agent” to download Cloudsfer On Premises Agent.


To add the agent on Cloudsfer, please click Add.

When the download is complete, run the Cloudsfer On-Premises Agent (CloudsferOnPremiseAgent.msi). A welcome screen will appear. Click Next.



In the End-User Licensing Agreement panel, click "I accept the terms in the License Agreement” and click Next to continue installation. You are advised to read the terms of the license carefully before proceeding with the installation. If you decline the license terms, the installation will not proceed.



The Destination Folder Setup panel will appear. Click “Next” to continue setup. OR Click “Change” button to select location to install the Agent and Click “Next”.

Paste your unique Token provided by Cloudsfer. Give a name to your Agent and click “Next”.


On this next screen, you will be asked to provide the login details for service.
The user must be part of the Local computer administrators group.

Enter Username and password.
Username: The format is: [domain] or [computer name] \username.
Enter the user's password. 

In the Ready to install Cloudsfer On-Premises Agent panel, click Install.


Click “Finish” to exit the Setup Wizard.

After Cloudsfer agent has started, a window will appear.

Here you will see the installation properties and you will be able to load all your mapped network drives.
Every time the agent is restarted, it will auto map your drives.
If you change your drive mappings, you will need to reload them in the tray application.

You can access the agent properties and reload mapped drives by Right clicking on the Cloudsfer icon and select Show Properties.
Clicking on Reload mapped drives, will update the list of mapped drives.

Drives & Mapped Drives

  • To be able to access mapped drives the user must be part of the domain, access to mapped drives will be in accordance with the user’s permissions.
  • Only drives mapped using the UI or CMD in user mode, will be visible to the agent.  Drives mapped using CMD in administrator mode will not be visible.
  • If a mapped drive is not on a domain connected computer, then the username and password used to access this resource, must be saved in the computer's password vault.
  • For a migration/backup to work properly, mapped drives must use the same drive letters all the time. 
  • After any change in the mapped drives (add, remove) the user must use the “Reload Mapped Drives” option. A backup/scheduled migration plan must be updated accordingly.

Please make sure that the server setup has enabled out bounding port range of 32,000 – 34,000 to allow communication with Cloudsfer agent. 

To test/ troubleshoot the OPA agent connection, please see the following.

Test the connection to Cloudsfer
Click on next links to test that you can connect to Cloudsfer.
If the following screen will appear, you are ready go.

Click Add button in the browser.



Your File System Content structure will be displayed. Choose the Folder/Drive you wish to migrate.

Cloudsfer integration for File System supports the following features:

1. When using File System, Cloudsfer will preserve the modification date and creation date.
2. When migrating using File System, you may perform delta migrations, use the Backup migration option, and have the ability to overwrite newly modified data into the desired destination. You can set the backup migration feature to your personal needs.

Let's start a new project together!  

Create your FREE Cloudsfer account and start migrating your data within seconds.



For more information on how to set your migration please see the following guide.

You may also find a recording of our Webinar- introducing File system to Cloud migration.