This document will help you transfer your content from File System to any cloud system using Cloudsfer.
The agent is running as a service and not as a desktop application. Cloudsfer agent access to the mapped drives and will be available even when the user has logged off or after the computer was restarted.
System Requirements:
- Microsoft .NET framework 4.8
- The user installing the agent must be part of the local administrators group.
- Window 7 and Windows server 2008 and above.
Login to Cloudsfer Application
Select File System (Admin) from the dropdown list of systems.
Click “Add New Agent” to install Cloudsfer File System agent on the desired file system/Windows server.
The Add New Agent Window will open,
- Copy the unique Token provided, by clicking on the copy icon (1).
- Click on the Download agent (2)
- Click on the Add (3)
When the download is complete, run the Cloudsfer File System installation. (CloudsferOnPremiseAgent.msi).
The Installation window will appear: Cloudsfer on Premis Agent Setup. Click “Next” to continue.
In the End-User Licensing Agreement panel, click "I accept the terms in the License Agreement" and click Next to continue installation.
You are advised to read the terms of the license carefully before proceeding with the installation. If you decline the license terms, the installation will not proceed.
Click “Next” to install to the default folder.
Paste your unique Token provided by Cloudsfer. Give a name to your Agent. Then click “Next”.
Enter Username and password.
Username: The format is: [domain] or [computer name] \username.
Enter the user's password.
Click Next to continue the installation.
If for some reason the User and/or password for the service account is changed, Go Windows services and change the details there.
Click “Install” to begin the installation.
Click Finish to exit the Installation
The Installation details windows will appare.
Here you will see the installation properties and you will be able to load all your mapped network drives.
Every time the agent is restarted, it will auto map your drives.
If you change your drive mappings, you will need to reload them in the tray application.
You can access the agent properties and reload mapped drives by Right clicking on the Cloudsfer icon and select Show Properties.
Clicking on Reload mapped drives, will update the list of mapped drives.
Drives & Mapped Drives
- To be able to access mapped drives the user must be part of the domain, access to mapped drives will be in accordance with the user’s permissions.
- Only drives mapped using the UI or CMD in user mode, will be visible to the agent. Drives mapped using CMD in administrator mode will not be visible.
- If a mapped drive is not on a domain connected computer, then the username and password used to access this resource, must be saved in the computer's password vault.
- For a migration/backup to work properly, mapped drives must use the same drive letters all the time.
- After any change in the mapped drives (add, remove) the user must use the “Reload Mapped Drives” option. A backup/scheduled migration plan must be updated accordingly.
Congratulations! You completed the On-Premises Agent installation.
Now you can check in your taskbar that the icon application is green. If it has another color, please wait until the light will be green.
To Test the connection to Cloudsfer
Click on next links to test that you can connect to Cloudsfer.
If the following screen will appear, you are ready go.
To check if the service is installed open window services and look for the Cloudsfer OPA Agent
Go to your Migration Dashboard and see your new agent. After the light in the Status column turns green, click “Open”.
Select the desired source & target folders and click Create Plan”.
Select The target system from the right side down menu:
A pop-up window will appear. Enter your account details.
Please note, this is a regular LOG IN window, your details are protected i.e. encrypted and Cloudsfer doesn’t keep them.
Click on allow.
Wait for the folder list to open and select the target folder or create a new one.
After you have connected to both Source & Target systems.
Select the Source and Target directories.
Click on the Create Plan to Creatin a migration plan or you can modify the default options.
To modify the migration plans setting, before you create the plan, click on the Options menu will show.
For setting the Migration option Click on the Options button.
Here you can find advanced options to your migration, for example if a file or folder already exists, you can skip existing files, add suffix to existing files, or overwrite existing files.
You After choosing your preferences, click on Save & Continue. If you do not wish to change the default settings, simply click on Skip.
After choosing your preferences, click on Save & Continue. If you do not wish to change the default settings, simply click on Skip.
You can also filter the files by size, type, and date,
After choosing your preferences, click on Save & Continue. If you do not wish to change the default settings, simply click on Skip.
After you have selected the Source and the Target and set the options for the migration click on "Create Plan"
Your migration will appear below.
The Migration will have a default name created from the combination of the source and target.
You can update the name by clicking on the pencil icon.
Click on Start Now to run the migration.
A pop-up window will show with details of the migration.
Confirm that you read the restrictions and click on Execute
You’re almost done! Click "I reviewed the restrictions and would like to proceed with the migration" and click Execute to start your migration from File system.
When the Migration Plan will start running, the status will change to Running.
Clicking on Name will open the Report Window.
Here you will see the status of the Migration.
For a long migration, you can refresh the page and the data will be updated.
If you have more questions, please contact us at [email protected]