OPA Agent Check List

  1. Before Installing the OPA agent, you need to check if the host computer has the perquisites necessary to install and run the agent. You can check if the system is ready by using this script Cloudsfer OPA agent test script.
    After you download the zip file. make sure it is not blocked, unzip the zip file, and read the attach readme file
    This script will scan your system and inform you of what perquisites are missing.
    Please note, the script does not make any changes to your system.
    To fix the missing perquisites, follow these instructions. 

  2. Check that the file is not locked after it was downloaded

  3. Verify if .NET 4.8 is installed. If not, download and install .NET 4.8. 
    Run this PowerShell command in administrator mode to test it.
    (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full").Version -match "^4.8"

    If the as answer is false, install .NET 4.8
    Download >net 4.8 from here: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework/thank-you/net48-web-installer

  4. Ensure that the service user is added to the local administrators group explicitly (not as part of another group).

  5. Check if the user has "Log on as a service" right. If not, follow these steps:                             
    •  Open Local Security Policy. Make sure that the AD domain policy does not override the local policy.
    •  Navigate to Local policies -> User Rights Assignment.
    •  Select "Logon as a service" and add the user to the list.

  6. If the service installation fails to start due to a timeout: 
    • Open the computer registry.
    • Go to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control.
    • Check if the entry "ServicesPipeTimeout" exists.
    • If not, add a DWORD named "ServicesPipeTimeout" with a decimal value of at least 90000.
    • Restart the system.
    • Install the service again.

  7. Token
    • Verify that the user clicked on the Add button and that the agent was added to agent list.
    • Make sure that the user is using a unique token for each server and does not reuse a previous token.  

  8. If mapped drives are not showing:
    • Ensure that the user running the service is a network user. 
    • Verify that the user has the necessary rights to view the mapped drives.
    • In File manager, access C:\ProgramData\Tzunami\Cloudsfer.
       Open the drivers.txt file. You should see the mapped drives listed.
    • If not, drives are listed, check the permissions on the directory and verify that current user has right to access and update this directory.
    • If the File Tree, does not show and subdirectories:
      Confirm that the user has the appropriate permissions Read, and write if the Agent is the target.

        8. Check if the Agent ports are open

        Please make sure that the server setup has enabled out bounding

        port range of 32,000 – 34,000 to     allow communication 

              Test the connection to Cloudsfer 
             Click on the links to test that you can connect to Cloudsfer.


This screen should show up. 
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